
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hey there!


My lack of blogging is a direct reflection of my life now.  I really have no spare time.  It started slowly with less time on Facebook, then less time just browsing the internet, then less time blogging & now if I check my email daily that’s a treat.  I will say though that I’m embracing this new way of life.  It’s my calling to be a wife, mother & friend.  Rather than doing the things I mentioned I play with my kids more, keep a tidier house, and spend more time with friends.  It’s better.  It’s an adjustment.  But, I’m finding myself more happy. 

Our family of five makes for a busy busy busy day.  There is very minimal spare time if I’m to do it right.  Even by spending less time on my computer I still feel stretched pretty thin, but I’m managing :)  I do want to try and at least blog once a week though.  Living so far from family…I think its important to try and stay as connected as possible!  I might just pick a blogging day…I’ll have to see. 

Oh…we moved into our new house.  I am so in love and happy to be settled! I’m working on de-cluttering and unpacking and once that happens I’ll post pics!

These pictures are from October/Nov. …

Fall2012 223Fall2012 232Fall2012 241Fall2012 254Fall2012 257Fall2012 266

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