
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Just to clear things up…

I guess I need to be careful about what I write on my blog…

My intentions yesterday were to show that its okay to not always be that “strong, have it all together all the time person.”  Sometimes I think there’s a lot of pressure on people to tough it out and be strong, but for me I sometimes feel guilty when I don’t have it all together.

I’m starting to realize I shouldn’t ever feel guilty when I have real reasons to struggle, and I’m certainly not a failure.

My point was to share my experience in hopes that if you sometimes feel guilty too about not being super woman all the time you would read my post and possibly find some peace in your own tough moments and know that on those days when you feel like things are crazy you are not alone.  Other people have those days too…

I’m not some depressed person who is miserable every day…I’m just having a tough time losing my Dad…and sometimes I’ve felt like I needed to suck it up and be strong.  What I’ve learned through all of this is that I don’t have to suck it up…its okay to grieve.

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