
Sunday, October 24, 2010

It’s been that kind of day…

Whewww…I’ve had such a moment posting these pictures.


SeaWorldMary 042 SeaWorldMary 041 13mths 169 13mths 164 13mths 168

IMG_0135  IMG_0101

1 comment:

Paige said...

Oh Becky, I cried with you on this one! I can not imagine losing my dad! You are so strong and brave. Its okay to cry. I remember that Kleenex commercial right after all the hurricanes hit the coast and one girl said "Its okay to cry, cause my tears dont compromise my strength!" I have always remembered that! I have been praying for you! We are considering moving closer to Wes' family, but that means moving away from my family. I am not sure what I am going to do. I have been reading your blog and I hope I can adjust too! Sending prayers your way!